The Country League Standing Committee (CLSC) is calling for expressions of interest for an Under 18’s Europe Tour in 2024.
The NSW Country Baseball League has seen great success at international tours in the past. Following the success in Prague this year, NSW Country Baseball (CLSC) is proposing an Under 18 Europe Tour for interested players aged between 16.5 years to Under 18 as of the 1st June 2024. The team will be comprised of between 20 to 22 players.
Players are eligible if they participate in a NSW Country competition, and consideration will be given to a limited number of players from Sydney Metro competitions.
The dates for this event remain tentative, as the CLSC needs to gauge interest before committing.
NSW Country League are looking for interest as either player or coaching staff/support staff. If this tour is of interest to you, please submit your EOI via the relevant links below.