WBSC Under 18’s Baseball World Cup 2022

This month, Team Australia participated in the WBSC Under 18’s Baseball World Cup. 

Congratulations to our 2 NSW players, Adam Bates and Kyan Wallington, who were selected in the Australian representative side for the World Cup which took place in Florida from Friday 9th to Sunday 18th September.

Australia finished ninth overall in the tournament, defeating South Africa on their final day in the placement round. The Australian team had some narrow defeats, losing by only one run to both Panama in their final round game, and Canada in their first placement round.

Congratulations to all the players who had the opportunity to represent their country and participate in the WBSC Under 18’s World Cup this year. This is a huge achievement in itself!

If you would like more information regarding the World Cup, head to the WBSC website or the Team Australia Socials.