Baseball5 Clinics to kick off 2024!

We’re hitting the ground running in 2024 with plenty of baseball5 fun to be had before heading back to school!

This school holidays Baseball5 NSW is hosting a B5 speed and agility camp. The program will cover all aspects of Baseball5 athletic development which includes explosive speed and agility, hand-eye coordination drills, quick reactions and reflexes drills, fielding and plenty of games. This camp is for all skill levels, ages 9 to 18 – anyone can play! Players will then be split into age groups on the day.

Skills learnt at this camp will be extremely beneficial for the development of all junior baseball/softball/baseball5 players.

The B5 camp will be supervised and delivered by Adrian Medina (Head of Baseball5 NSW and Baseball5 National Team coach) alongside with local Baseball5 National team players Wil Klein, Lachlan Miller, Mattea Karn and assisting coach Chase Karn. All Coaches have accredited working with children checks.


·      4 hours of skills training
·      Explosive Speed and Agility
·      Hand-eye coordination
·      Quick reactions and reflexes
·      Quick fielding and throwing skills.
·      Baseball5 hitting mechanics.
·      Baseball5 Games

Every participant will receive a free Baseball NSW/Street Ball package for attending!

You will also receive a NSW Baseball5 player’s registration with BNSW for all competitions and Baseball5 events (covering a 12 month period)


Registration is $100.00 per person.

Wear comfortable sporting gear and runners. Please do not wear baseball cleats!


Three camps will be held, with two in Chipping Norton and one on the Central Coast at the Wyong Wildcats Baseball Club. Click on the links below to register for the camp!

For more information contact Adrian Medina