FREE WEBINAR: More Volunteers! A How-To Guide

ClubMap are running a free webinar this month, on how to attract and retain Volunteers!

Having enough volunteers continues to be the number 1 issue in community sport.

Club administrators often resort to the ‘I’ll do it myself’ mentality. Too few doing too much, without the right structure to encourage volunteering. We’ll show you how to create a volunteer program that doesn’t just survive, but thrives.

When: Monday September 23rd

Time: 7pm – 7:40pm

Remember, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Successful community clubs share the load, jump online for the FREE seminar if you would like CLUBMAP’s help!

The presenters will be

  • Terry Dillon – CLUBMAP Co-founder & CEO
  • Jon Knudsen – CLUBMAP Chief Operations Officer

Zoom password if required: clubmap